Leadership or Expertise. What Do We Need Right Now?

I released a newsletter today briefly touching on the idea of leadership comparing President Trump and President Elect Biden and how they handled themselves relative to the violent riots we have been experiencing in our nation for many many months now. The Left has focused in on the January 6 violence (which is fine) and […]

Honesty in a Highly Polarized Political Climate Day 2

I wasn’t going to write about this topic again but it is impossible to avoid, I think. The response from the mainstream media and the political elite to yesterday’s ‘storming of the capitol,’ as it is so-called, has become the final try to discredit President Trump. Just to be clear, I think President Trump did […]

Honesty in a Highly Polarized Political Climate

I wanted to touch on a number of things today and I will try and keep it as tight and short as possible. Today is January 6, 2021. It is the day after a very important Georgia runoff election for two U.S. senate spots. They are both very close but it looks like a Democrat […]

Today and Tomorrow Are Important Days in our Nation’s History

Today (the day I am writing this-01/05/2021), we have a couple of elections in the state of Georgia that will affect the rest of the country for possibly a very long time. I simply want to share my perspective. I don’t really care where you stand politically but throughout our history as a nation it […]

When people get to work

I’m reading a book by Seth Godin, his newest, called The Practice. The intention of the book is quite simply to encourage you to share something generous with the world, something that is particularly you. The world is a bit of a tumultuous mess right now. You might blame it on a pandemic. You might […]

Stress-A Fine Line Between Growth and Damage

Whether stress shows up as an emotional feeling (which has plenty of physiological activity connected to it), a physical demand or a communal conundrum it seems to always carry with it the opportunity to cut in either direction. We talk about stress as being ‘under stress’ and typically put that in the ‘bad’ or ‘not […]

A Star Trek World

What we believe is important. It sets the tone for how we think about things and ultimately how we act and behave. In Star Trek the obvious struggle for human control over the tendency toward selfishness and dare I say it, evil, has largely been accomplished. They often talk about how humanity has evolved and […]