Honesty in a Highly Polarized Political Climate Day 2

I wasn’t going to write about this topic again but it is impossible to avoid, I think. The response from the mainstream media and the political elite to yesterday’s ‘storming of the capitol,’ as it is so-called, has become the final try to discredit President Trump. Just to be clear, I think President Trump did some brilliant things but I have generally been opposed to the way he went about most things. I think he lacks a ‘presidential’ presence such that Ronald Reagan had and President Trump tends to lack a sense of compassion and self-control. His propensity to ‘tweet’ much of what he did was disturbing to me and I think his general personality was one that always sought a controlling position no matter the circumstance. These are the things I disliked about President Trump. There is a big however, however, and if we are not honest about it then we have missed something remarkable about what has happened since he has been President. I am not going to go through the many many accomplishments as it would be a complete waste of my time. Anyone who hates him won’t listen and anyone who likes him already knows. I dare say there are very few in the middle. The recent election was evidence of this. It was an election for or against President Trump…very extraordinary in my opinion.
What this means is that President Elect Biden will probably be a pawn for the left. I am not a fan of the left. I am not a fan of the far right either, for that matter. Both sides end up at a dictatorship type of government and a very distasteful scenario, in my opinion. President Elect Biden received an enormous amount of votes without really campaigning. History shows that he hasn’t really done a great deal and he is liked but just so. It will be interesting to see how his presidency plays out. It will also be interesting to see how the moderate Democrats respond. I have a feeling the few there are in the Senate are feeling a bit of fear and nervousness about the next 2 years.
Anyhow, the current calls for impeachment for President Trump a mere 13 days before he steps down is so beyond ludicrous it is laughable. The allegation that he incited the riot yesterday is just dumb. President Trump is a known quantity. He didn’t say anything he hasn’t said before. The riots and violence that have become so common in our culture have been clearly and sternly criticized and condemned by the President and he again voiced his opinion yesterday in response to the rioting after it started. Did he do it soon enough? I don’t know but wasn’t it interesting to have President Elect Biden come out against the riot while he sat silent during all of the violence over the past 6+ months. At least President Trump is consistent both in his desire to fight for what he believes is right until the very last second (something that is in his DNA and it is not a surprise in the least, at least to me) and his criticism of rioting and violence. He has always supported the rallies and always condemned the violence. They want to impeach him for this?
The why is probably quite simple. They want to discredit him once and for all. They think with a Senate majority now they can finally get their wish and have it on the books. They think they can disgrace him and keep him out of the limelight going forward. They still have no idea who he is. It is simply one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Well I must admit the Senate prayer the other day was dumber but that at least gives me a good chuckle when I think about it. In case you didn’t hear the chaplain ended his prayer with ‘amen and awoman.’ If that doesn’t make you crack up I don’t know what will. It shows an unbelievable ignorance and it seems to me that anyone who considers such a ridiculous thing has to pause for a second and wonder what the hell those Senators are thinking about.
Anyhow, I digress. I need to close but I have to say that President Trump did not incite the rioting. It does appear that some (not many) of his supporters were involved. I consider them as dumb as can be as well. There is something very important, however, that honest people see and understand. The people who incited the riot are professionally paid rioters who are mostly anarchists. They can’t stand to let any good crisis go to waste and on the ground eyewitnesses describe the assault as planned. Pictures prove that at least two of the rioters are absolutely anarchist rioters (professionally paid to do so) who show up all over the country. It is obvious that the assault on the capitol building was actually incited by professionals. The vast majority of Trump supporters were walking when the assault happened. The few possible Trump folks that got caught up in it are idiots, in my opinion, but it was absolutely not incited by President Trump or his supporters.
One other interesting note…NPR released a ’tweet’ and an article that Trump Supporters stormed the capitol 3+ hours before anything actually happened. I have a screen shot with the time stamp from the NPR blog. Whoops. Caught. I don’t know what role they played but they obviously had inside information that this was going to happen. It was a planned assault to discredit President Trump and his supporters. It is as obvious as daylight.
Some people died. A gal, a patriot, an ex military hero, was shot by the police. It is unfortunate. I don’t believe she was even involved in the ‘storming’ activity. I am very sad for her and her family that is left. The others died apparently of health issues that went awry in all of the excitement. That is what I gather, anyhow. I am not certain about that but it seems that way. The gal who was shot was in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is tragic. Should we defund the capitol police for it? Should we riot over it? I know many of you will call me a bigot and tell me I don’t understand the issues but I merely bring it up to point out the double standard of how we respond to things. The point is…all rioting and violence is wrong, in my opinion. I completely respect the peaceful assembly of people but when it turns into the destruction of property and the possibility of people being hurt then it turns unlawful. There was a great deal of peaceful rallies and protests to support our black friends, neighbors and loved ones. I fully support this. The violence that erupted in the midst of these peaceful protests was absolutely wrong. The only thing I ask is for people to be consistent.
Many people who are now speaking out against the violence yesterday have been silent for months. I don’t hear the outrage for the gal who died either. The only outrage I hear is against President Trump. It is bizarre. The hatred is so embedded that these people can’t see how dumb it all is and how hypocritical it all is. The political elite and the media only seem to operate under a certain agenda. The truth. Honesty. Integrity. These all seem to be foreign concepts to these people. It is astonishing but I suppose I ought not to be surprised. The same playbook is used over and over and over again. Lord help us as we have to tolerate this kind of stupidity going forward.