A Star Trek World

What we believe is important. It sets the tone for how we think about things and ultimately how we act and behave. In Star Trek the obvious struggle for human control over the tendency toward selfishness and dare I say it, evil, has largely been accomplished. They often talk about how humanity has evolved and is corporately working to evolve to even higher levels as they navigate the cosmos.

It is a lovely thought but wrong. The human tendency towards preferring the self is perhaps even more pronounced today than ever before. We have the ability to share grand stories where the opposite seems to be true but over all it seems individual humans are very much stuck in a battle between preferring the self or preferring others above self interest. Now I realize life is more complex than a cut and dry statement such as the one above but in general the big struggle to overcome the self-life continues in our modern day world and it is largely recognized that we mostly fail.

The desire for money and power is very very evident and the number of people who go after those things no matter the cost to others is not shrinking in our so called ‘enlightened’ world. Evil and the desire to control is very present and at work. If we treat humanity as if we truly live in a Star Trek type of world we will ignorantly hand over the reigns to everlasting tyrants (both politically and corporately) and we many find ourselves losing most or all of our freedoms that have made our country the catalyst in the world for people to live freely in their homes, communities and cultures. 

I, for one, want my children and grandchildren to grow up in a free society. It is not perfect but it is better than the alternative. You merely have to dig a little deeper to see the results of tyranny in our current ‘lock down’ culture. The power brokers like it and they won’t give in easily to allowing freedom to reign. After all it is against their nature and personal desires to do so.

We received a letter from friends of ours who were living in China when COVID started. Their story is frightening. They ‘escaped’ the extreme tyranny but have been without a home for nearly a year now. That is all I will share but it truly doesn’t take much to find examples of what ‘can’ happen when free people cease to be diligent in protecting their freedoms. Health and safety is not a reason to give up freedoms. It is one of those hard choices to make to ensure the future freedoms of our offspring are preserved. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be decent, kind and loving people in the midst of it all. Obviously if what I said at the beginning is true then this is not easy. But people’s ability to grow into better human beings grows in the midst of freedom and is stifled in the midst of control. More on that in a later missive.

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